Just a suggestion to any of you that do wedding cakes with flowers, always ensure there are extra flowers. If a petal breaks or flower gets broken somehow, you do not want to be responsible for the cake looking incomplete! Fortunately the flowers made their way into that cake without a hitch because I didn't have any extra.
Another tip I'd like to share with you: DO NOT buy a baking core (cone). I bought one and tried it and it was terrible. Basically, you pour cake batter around the cone and in the cone with the cone in the pan, then bake it. It did help the cake bake evenly but the cake in the cone didn't fit right in the larger part of the cake after baking, and the cake inside the cone burned. Total waste of $5. Instead, save yourself some moolah and use an upside down flower nail in your large or deep baking pan for even baking. Be sure to spray both the pan and the nail (top to bottom). Also, Wilton has a wonderful baking temps and times guide! Click here to see the guide, it's nearly exact on baking times. Halfway through baking, rotate the cake so it bakes evenly.
For large tiered cake delivery, this tutorial was a godsend! It shows you how to easily assemble your own large delivery box out of carboard moving boxes. If it weren't for the help of my friends, I would have never been able to get everything done. You guys are the best!
Ok, picture time!!